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Geomembrane is a relatively environmentally friendly material, and it is widely used. However, in order to be better used and avoid damage, you must pay attention to the following matters during transportation:
The production, storage, and transportation of geomembrane have an impact on the performance and quality of raw materials, so we need to take countermeasures during production, storage, transportation, and construction. When we produce and store, we need to ensure that the storage space is clean and tidy. There is also need to pay attention to sun protection, pay attention to anti-corrosion, but also to ensure that the storage space is dry and ventilated. During transportation, the geomembrane is rolled one by one, and a large roll of geomembrane usually weighs several hundred catties. So when we are transporting, we need to protect some boxes under the geomembrane. When loading and unloading, please handle with care and avoid cutting or abrading them due to sharp objects. In addition, the storage space should be similar to the storage space during transportation. Also, pay attention to sun protection and waterproofing. Because the geomembrane material is a polymer, if it is exposed to excessive sunlight, the properties of the raw material will change and the quality will decrease.